
Bringing a lifetime of Political and Government Experience to Clients

Founded in 1994, Carroll & Associates began representing the interests of its clients throughout the nation in government affairs including in Missouri and various other states, as well as Washington, D.C. Carroll & Associates’ main office is located in the heart of Jefferson City, Missouri where it maintains a constant presence in the halls of the Missouri State Capitol on behalf of clients who have an interest in public policy. Carroll & Associates is also associated with the lobbying firm Alcalde & Fay located in Washington, D.C.

Carroll & Associates provides a variety of services to its clients including government relations, legal services, and public affairs, such as association management and development. Our lobbying corps provides day-to-day services including real time legislative tracking, providing testimony, attending House and Senate committee hearings, and strategic policy planning. Our association management group provides conferencing planning, member services, and fundraising.